Northeastern Connecticut Community Kitchens
Presently all Community Kitchens sites are providing "Take Out Only" meals. All meals are free. During the covid pandemic, they are also providing a bag of groceries. The sites are open at noontime at the following locations. Monday-First Congregational Church of Woodstock; Tuesday-Congregational Church in Central Village; Wednesday-United Methodist Church of Danielson; Thursday-Creation Church in Thompson; and Friday-Moosup United Methodist Church.
Living Faith United Methodist Church
"JUST A PLACE TO GO" Community Meal
A hot meal is served every Friday at noontime. Doors open at 10:00 am for coffee, fellowship and a place to get warm or cool.
"JUST A PLACE TO GO" Day Shelter
A care and compassion shelter open every Monday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. It's a place to pick up food, shower, meet with service providers, charge your phone and safely relax.
"JUST A PLACE TO GO" Critical Needs Ministry
In need of used furniture, in good condition, or household items, give us a call at 860-928-9705 to request assistance.
Connecticut Foodshare
Feeding America
Ample Harvest
Salvation Army